Brad Bradford began his career as an urban planner, involved in the politics of the city of Toronto, but always behind the scenes. Now, as a City Councilor, Brad must find different ways to address the key issues facing his community.
He does it by harnessing the power of social media to actively listen to, and engage with, his constituents daily. As community meetings move from church basements into online spaces, the ability to communicate clearly and effectively using all of the platforms available is more critical than ever. However, without careful planning, complex issues can become oversimplified and polarizing online.
Tune in to the latest episode of The Pivot to hear how Brad’s modern approach to city politics has helped him address the unique needs of his constituents and create real positive change in his community.
Guest Bio: Brad believes that as our City grows and prospers we must work hard to ensure the benefits are felt by everyone. By bringing a pragmatic, non-partisan approach to local government, Brad supports community-led change throughout Beaches East-York. With experience as an urban planner, he has a passion for addressing local issues, advocating for those typically left out of the process and making neighbourhoods more accessible. Whether it’s through the regular community meetings or the bi-weekly newsletter, Brad wants to engage with all residents and work with our local leaders to support the communities that make Beaches East-York special.